
Norcal Dental Clinic in Ensenadad, Mexico

Photographs by Dan Figueroa

March 2010- The 49er Rotary Club of Nevada City, Nevada and the Norcal Dental group hosted a dental care clinic for the indigenous peoples of Baja California.  Thanks to a team  ranging from professionals to students to local volunteers, The clinic managed to treat a record 62 patients in one day this year.


Back in 2004, five dentists from Grass Valley came down to Mexico on a scouting trip. They were in search of a volunteer ethic, a volunteer spirit, the humanitarian ethic if you will. They found the 1,000 smiles organization that does cleft pallet cleft lip repair on children.

Since the 1,000 smiles clinic only operated about eight days each year, they asked if they could run their own clinics on other days. The 1,000 smiles clinic now allows the Norcal dental group use its state-of-the-art facilities multiple times a year.

Dr. Barry Turner, general dentist from Grass Valley California, describes the needs of the people:

“A lot of the people we saw this weekend have never seen a dentist ever in their lives. A few of them will probably not be seeing a dentist in the next tens years, either. So what they got on is one visit today, will be the difference.”

Dr. Raul Haro, a dentist from Mexicali, Mexico sees many dental problems steaming from lack of education.

“A lot of (tooth)decay. They don’t bush everyday, the little kids, they need a lot of oral-hygene instructions.”Says Dr. Raul Haro.

With every dental chair filled with a dentist, UCSD pre-dental student, and a full team of volunteers, the Norcal team was able to treat 62 patients in the first day.

The UCSD students are a group of pre-dentistry students. This trip allows them to find out what dentistry is all about. Allows them to see what volunteer dentistry is. They have proven them selves to be excellent learners, always asking the right questions.

The 49er Rotary Club of Nevada City, Nevada  and the Norcal dental team from Northern California, had a successful a dental clinic for the indigenous peoples of Baja California. Please visit the Rotary Club to find out how you can help.

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