
Craigslist Foundation Bootcamp 2010

The annual Craigslist Foundation non-profit boot camp is a event held to help advance the many causes which non-profits champion. “The goal is to help non-profits be more effective” says Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist.org


Fuego San Ignacio

At about 5pm on August 1 a wild fire broke out during the annual Festival de San Ignacio. The fire raged out of control for about 6 hours before firefighters from the near by village of Mulege were able to contain the blaze.
The firefighters from near-by towns were delayed by both the suddenness of the inferno, poorly maintained roads and the remote location of San Ignacio itself. Flames shot into the night reaching towards the desert sky. The palm trees became matchsticks erupting into fireballs shooting up hundreds of feet towards the desert stars.