
Adventure still exists for those who seek it.

On the 21st of October, around 7am, I read a article written by Jeff Pflueger on the WorldHum website. It was a reflection on the advance of digital photography and the decline of analog(film) photography. At the end of the article Jeff placed a challenge: Contained somewhere in his article there might be a map to a treasure for a photographer.

Shooting film had always been a dream of mine, but due to rising costs I could never quite budget for it.
So I decided to check the metadata of the images that Jeff posted in that article. Its something I do quite often while de-constructing images I admire and wish to learn more from...One image contained what might be GPS data.I ran it through this useful exif data tool.
The data showed a beautiful beach and what looked like a large rock. Turns out that this location might be a island located in the San Francisco bay.
Around 10am that same morning, I loaded a borrowed bike into a borrowed car and jetted north towards San Francisco.
Hitting high gear in the early mornings on hwy280 has always been a quiet pleasure of mine...
I managed to get San Francisco’s peir 39 and was boarding a ferry headed across the bay towards Angel Island.
Before disembarking I was told to be back at the dock by 3:25pm or I would be left on the island over night - leaving me a little over an hour to search this very large island. I quickly got my bearings on where I was on the island and where the potential treasure might be located.
I rode my bike up the mountain at the center of the island and then down the other side to Perle beach were the treasure might be buried...

I found an old military ammo box tied under a tree...

I could not believe it...

I opened the ammo canister:

Inside was a Nikon N8008s 35mm camera, a Tamron 28-200mm 3.8 lens and 25 rolls of film!
I would like to thank Jeff for helping to keep the spirit of adventure alive.
I highly recommend visiting Angel Island just catch a early ferry and don’t miss the last ferry at 3:25pm!

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